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NOVA Award Nomination Process

The NOVA Award was created to recognize the innovative techniques and methods, proven on actual projects, that improve the quality and reduce the cost of construction. First awarded in 1990, the NOVA Award has become the most prestigious award in the construction industry, because it bridges all segments of construction, and its winners have been proven by CIF's own investigation.

Nova Award Process

The Construction Innovation Forum (CIF) invites NOVA Award nominations from all sectors of the industry. A person, an organization, or a combination of people and organizations can be recognized for their innovation. You are encouraged to nominate successful innovations by your colleagues, clients, consultants, contractors, suppliers, trades persons, and by yourself. Self nominations are encouraged, since many subjects are best understood and presented by their creator. Nominations are due annually on March 31.

Each year, following the nomination and jury process described below, the CIF presents NOVA Awards at the annual Innovation Celebration and CURT National Conference. This event, attended by hundreds of owners and construction industry leaders, has become an international showcase for construction innovation. The upcoming Innovation Celebration will be held in November at the Buena Vista Palace Hotel and Spa in Orlando, Florida.

Nova Award Process

How to submit a nomination

The nomination process for the NOVA Awards is purposely simple, and unlike that of a "competition". The NOVA Award is not a competition. It is recognition of a benefit to the entire industry. The responsibility for determining the value of a nomination rests largely on the jury. You are asked to supply a minimum of information, and no more. This simplifies your nomination, and prevents recognition being awarded on the basis of fhow well the information is "packaged". For examples of complete nominations, see this year's NOVA Award Nominations.

Selection criteria

  1. Each nominated innovation is judged by its effect on the construction process and on facility service. It can be an innovation in the construction process itself or in materials, design, equipment, detailing, contract administration, labor relations, management, training, procurement, maintenance, use, etc. that improves the construction process and/or facility service. A project can be nominated for its innovative concepts or methods.
  2. The innovation must be a proven success. It must have had a positive, important effect on construction or service, to improve quality or reduce cost. Innovation is the implementation of new methods and new technologies. It is not merely an idea that has merit and may be successful in the future. It must promote good, acceptable construction practices.
  3. The innovation must be a significant advance, not just a natural evolution of existing methods, common sense, or good practice.
  4. The innovation must be documentable and presentable. Innovators and their employers must disclose sufficient information about the innovation to allow documentation for the Jury and an informative presentation at the Construction Innovation Celebration.

Nova Award Nominations

The most recent Nominations for the Nova Awards are available to be viewed, downloaded, and freely distributed. Download the most recent Nova Award Winner descriptions, or download individual nominations from the LIST OF NOMINATIONS.

We encourage everyone to read the nominations and use these latest innovations to improve construction practice.