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What is The Construction Innovation Forum (CIF)?

The Construction Innovation Forum is an international, non-profit organization formed in 1987 to recognize innovations in the construction industry that improve the quality, efficiency and cost effectiveness of construction.

How does CIF recognize innovation?

NOVA Award StatueEach year, CIF presents the NOVA Award to honor innovations that have proven to improve construction quality and cost.  The NOVA Award has a serious mission: to illuminate the innovations and innovators that have made important contributions to the construction industry. Nominations come from all segments of the industry and represent the efforts of owners, contractors, architects, engineers and others to improve the industry. The award nominations represent proven cost savings and quality improvement on actual projects.

What are the goals of CIF?

How did it get started?

The Forum was developed in response to the "lack of innovation" identified by the Construction Industry Cost Effectiveness (CICE) survey conducted by the Business Roundtable in the early 1980's. It was formed to enhance the image of the 425 billion dollar/year construction industry, by meeting the challenges of:

How well is it working?

The CIF has grown to over 100 member companies from all segments of the industry including owners, architects, engineers, contractors, labor organizations and associations. In addition, eighteen exemplary NOVA Awards have been given to innovations ranging from a spatial positioning system for construction sites, to breakthrough programs that help women succeed in high-paying, skilled trades. Information on the NOVA Award winning innovations is published in a variety of industry publications and newsletters, helping to increase awareness of these valuable techniques.

Does it duplicate other efforts?

No. The unique NOVA Award program compliments the efforts of other groups working to improve productivity and the image of the construction industry. The Forum has worked in concert with the Business Roundtable, the Construction Industry Institute, the Civil Engineering Research Foundation and other industry groups to eliminate overlap of effort. The NOVA Award is the only award that includes all segments of the construction industry.

Who can submit a nomination for the NOVA Award?

Anyone may submit a nomination for consideration. Innovators and their employers must submit enough information about the innovation to allow documentation for the awards jury. Nominees are not expected to be Forum members, and self-nominations are encouraged. There is no entry fee.

Why should a company join?

The mission and objectives of the Construction Innovation Forum cannot become a reality without widespread industry endorsement, endowment and participation. Much has been accomplished since 1987, but now we need your help to:

Together we can make a difference.